QS. At-Taubah [9:74]



yahlifuuna billaahi maa qaaluu walaqad qaaluu kalimata alkufri wakafaruu ba'da islaamihim wahammuu bimaa lam yanaaluu wamaa naqamuu illaa an aghnaahumu allaahu warasuuluhu min fadhlihi fa‑in yatuubuu yaku khayran lahum wa‑in yatawallaw yu'adzdzibhumu allaahu 'adzaaban aliiman fii alddunyaa waal‑aakhirati wamaa lahum fii al‑ardhi min waliyyin walaa nashiirin

They swear by Allah that they did not say [anything against the Prophet] while they had said the word of disbelief and disbelieved after their [pretense of] Islam and planned that which they were not to attain. And they were not resentful except [for the fact] that Allah and His Messenger had enriched them of His bounty. So if they repent, it is better for them; but if they turn away, Allah will punish them with a painful punishment in this world and the Hereafter. And there will not be for them on earth any protector or helper. [74]

— Sahih International

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